In Quebec, starting to practice medicine also means starting to send payment requests to the RAMQ, an administrative procedure that can be pretty intimidating. In addition to offering a special promotion for new doctors, our Xacte team of medical billing experts offers several free training sessions on RAMQ billing to help residents get started.
The Training Session Will Answer Questions Such As:
What are the first steps you need to do to start RAMQ billing?
How to register with the CMQ, the CMPA and the RAMQ?
What are the different types of physician remuneration possibilities in Quebec and how do they work?
What are the general principles of RAMQ billing?
What are the different ways to manage RAMQ billing?
- What roles do the main medicine-related organizations play in Quebec?
What does a billing cycle looks like with the RAMQ?
At the end of this training session, residents will have the necessary knowledge to initiate administrative procedures with the RAMQ. They will know how to create and to send a payment request to the RAMQ, what types of remuneration apply to their practice and what options are available for them regarding billing management.
Two Types of Training: Webinars and Dinner-Conferences
The training sessions are organized by specialty and location, but all contain pertinent information. They will be given in person in Montreal, Quebec City and Sherbrooke in the form of dinner-conferences, with a meal offered, for psychiatrists and internists.
General practitioners and other medical specialists are invited to register for a training session in the form of a webinar that will be held in the early evening (6:30 p.m.). These webinars will be specifically tailored to your reality.
To participate, check out the training calendar below, identify the training session that best matches your profile, then click on the link to complete your registration.