Xacte’s medical billing experts have designed a guide that will help you understand the different aspects of your new compensation and RAMQ billing processes.

Please note that the guide is available in French only.

Xacte medical billing new doctor's guide


Designed for new physicians in Quebec who are preparing to bill with RAMQ

In This Guide You Will Find:

checklist Icon

A summary of the steps to follow at the beginning of your practice

Gears Icon

Ways to manage your billing with RAMQ

Dollar Sign Icon

The main methods of payment

Checkmark Icon

Creation and follow-up of a payment claim

Billing Icon

How to bill your activities

Settings Icon

Elements that influence your compensation

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Testimonials From Satisfied Physicians

It is not a satisfaction but a delight to take advantage of your services, so thank you. You are aware that we wish to dedicate our time to care and while we are happy to be compensated for it, we do not wish to waste time on it.

Dr. Lionel Cailhol, Psychiatrist

The system is clear, the service is fast and courteous, errors are reported clearly, follow-up on questions and issues is diligent. Thanks to Xacte, I was able to quickly adjust my billing to COVID. I have nothing but congratulations!

Dr. Eric Morissette, Internist

The Xacte team has been with me every step of the way in my career, from starting my practice, to moving to a different environment, to opening my own clinic. Xacte is definitely a professional team, with an outstanding customer service.

Dr. Andree-Ann Hounsell, Psychiatrist