Are you looking for a turnkey billing experience that will reduce your administrative workload?

Would you like to manage your own invoicing with reliable, efficient and accessible software?


The Xacte solution meets the needs of :

Clinic Managers


Billing Personnel

Xacte’s Comprehensive Solution

Icon of a compter screen showing the mouse

Specialized Expertise
and Support

Consulting support icon


Icon of billing report

Billing Platform

Our Expertise at Your Service

An expressive woman on the phone

Coordinating claims requires a great deal of effort, and can quickly become a major administrative burden.

Xacte is renowned for the reliability of its software, as well as for its personalized, all-inclusive support. Xacte's expert consultants work alongside the software to :

  • Reduce billing submission errors
  • Manage billing for private insurers
  • Validate statements of account
  • Review payment refusals

This integrated approach also enables fast, fluid communication between our experts and doctors, greatly increasing the efficiency of the process.

Stay in control of your billing

Whenever a change is made to claims, you can consult the detailed explanation provided by the expert assigned to your account. When a new RAMQ rule comes into effect that could affect your practice, our experts analyze it and send you the relevant information.

Get quick answers to your questions

Whether by chat, e-mail, or telephone, it's easy to get in touch with your dedicated expert. They will get back to you instantly, or as quickly as possible, with a complete answer.

Rest assured of your regulatory compliance

Physician are legally responsible for their billing, and must therefore ensure compliance. Xacte's solution prevents problems by providing additional quality control through an automatic validation of several procedures, after which experts carry out additional validations to guarantee your peace of mind.

Glean data to guide your practice
  • Xacte also offers business intelligence and compensation reporting options to support your practice. Detailed account statements, revenue per physician and other reports are just a click away.
  • Access a wide range of data for your clinical management.

Key Advantages

  • Follow-up of revisions
  • Data validation by experts
  • Analysis of statements and corrective action as required
  • Communication with RAMQ and other parties to adjust your billing
  • Dispute unwarranted payment refusal
  • Personalized follow-up on corrections made, with clear explanations
  • Help desk and priority phone line
  • Error report reconciliation
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Key advantages

  • Identification de plusieurs erreurs en temps réel et calcul des montants de rémunération avant l’envoi à la RAMQ.
  • Licence d’utilisation pour l’application mobile Xacte, incluant la numérisation automatique des numéros d’assurance maladie (NAM).
  • Mises à jour automatiques pour intégrer les principales nouveautés de la RAMQ.
  • Analyse et vulgarisation des nouveautés de la RAMQ qui concernent votre facturation.
  • Assistance et soutien technique par téléphone ou clavardage
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